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To transmogrify is to transform in a surprising or magical manner. Estimating stories in software is absurd. Is too much comfort a crisis, or is it the lack of discomfort? How can I get into the Learned League?? I was reading a paper which led to a Chain of Wikipedian Inquiry:
Pontryagin's Maximum Principle theoretical limit on the number of re-attempts
Hamiltonian (control theory)
Dynamical System
Projection (set theory)
Binary operation
Cartesian product
Makes me wonder: are there more high-level, abstract theorems or low-level, fundamental axioms? Just kidding, of course there are more of the latter. I watched the 1985 OVA Angel's Egg on archive.org. the singular response at the time was the following:

Reviewer: rgb81 - May 27, 2023
Subject: Bob's opinion of this Film.

Not joyful. Not uplifting, Not hopeful. No humor, No amazement. A hero that does not inspire. Dark, Depressing. Nihilism at its finest. After skipping through this film - I had to do a lot of skipping to maintain my sanity - I rate it as a big fat zero. Now I feeling like killing myself, and you will too, if you watch it. I recommend that you not watch it as it is a complete waste of time. I wish I could give it a negative score.
I take this as a glowing recommendation. Something I really like about the animation is how fluids are treated; similar techniques apply to water and hair. To construct a tentative analogy, this visual parallel combined with the fact that there is so little dialogue creates a vagueness in the identity of the characters. Therefore the viewer's understanding of the goals and attributes of the characters fluctuates and is subject to less constraint than in mainstream storytelling.

I have seen these kinds of movies described as "animated art". Oppose "movie", which is a means to tell a story and develop characters. The appreciation of animated art must be similar to looking at a painting, where there is an implied threshold between the literal visual content and the meaning which is interpreted by each individual perceiver. Movies typically aim to make their messages explicit, even if by metaphor. The closer to the "animated art" end of the spectrum you get, the less limpid the messaging, if it even exists. I think serial experiments lain is in a similar vein. I once saw the box set selling for $250 at Half Price Books, FYI.

Sometimes I go the the cafe at work and get a couple of rotating breakfast sandwiches, but usually I just drink coffee for breakfast. If I were at the grocery store with someone particularly picky about the eccentricity of their citrus, I might say that I'm here for a good lime, not a long lime. What is Seth Rogen famous for? I learned that he has a website with some really nice designs. Maybe that's why he's famous. Either that or the laugh.