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Self reference. How to finish (or even start) all the projects. White Ferrari Testarossa. The dialectic paradigm of reality. How I am perceived and subsequently described by others. Using gdb at work. Taking the GRE. The pain in my left knee. Avalon Emerson. Annoyance toward chicken and rice. Annoyance toward _____ from work. The terror of someone actually reading my website. Being creative all the time. Understanding physics that is deep, or not obvious. Wanting to tell ____ that I think they're full of shit. Wanting someone to tell me that they think I'm full of shit. How to read and comprehend really fast. The search for pants that fit me just right. The ability to wear pants that don't fit me just right. Perfectionism. Chaos. Taste. Communication. Tattoos. Asemic text. Delphic anagrams. A pile of mail from work. Lichens. ______ __________. The Oxford Comma.